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3 Great Ways to Create Fun Employee Name Tags

Name Tag Pros • Jul 13, 2023

Name tags can be a powerful tool contributing to your branding efforts. They can provide a lot of leverage when they include your company’s full-color logo. A lot of thought and planning went into making your company’s name badges. Most of the time, they do a simple but important job without a lot of fanfare. But what if you unleashed your creative juices and stepped up your name-tag game a bit? Check out these three great ways to create fun, engaging, and unique employee name badges. 

designing fun employee name tags

Creative Name Badge Ideas

Do you run a small office housed by a handful of employees or have a large group and just want to add some fun to your workspace? Before we go much further, it is important to suggest that you use good judgment when implementing new ideas. If you work in a government office, secure facility, or hospital, you may need to design name badges that meet certain safety requirements or regulations. But if you want to add some levity to your day, stretch your creative muscles with these three ideas.

Creative Name Tag Idea #1: Let Your Employees Design Their Own Name Tags

Most employee name tags are standardized so that they meet a company’s branding needs. They are designed with the company colors, the logo and use a specific font style. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this approach. But in some business settings, it’s okay to allow for more personalization and make name tags more memorable. Consider letting your employees design their own. Here are some options to think about.

  • Let employees choose background or font colors.
  • Let them choose where to put their photo on a photo ID badge.
  • Employees can choose the kind of photo they prefer.

You may want to set a few ground rules, such as giving them 2-3 colors that you require so the name tags will match your logo. You can also require that the logo be included while allowing them to choose colors, fonts, and their own tagline. When you give your employees an option in creating their own name tag, you give them a personal connection with the name badge. 

Creative Name Tag Idea #2: Use Baby Photos or Childhood Pictures Instead of Corporate Headshots

If you manage a tight-knit office where everyone knows each other, this is a great idea. Instead of using stoic forced-looking headshots that never quite match anyone’s personality, encourage employees to choose their own ID photo. It might be a baby photo, their most awkward grade school picture, or a high school graduation photo. They can choose whatever they are most comfortable sharing. 

Everyone enjoys seeing what coworkers looked like in their younger years. Using these images as ID photos goes a long way in encouraging conversations between coworkers as well as conversations between clients and staff. 

Creative Name Tag Idea #3: Let Employees Use Nicknames

This option may not work in some workplaces. It’s not easy to have a serious meeting when you’re sitting across the table from someone wearing an ID name tag that says, “Goober.” But if your workplace is a casual setting, nicknames can add some fun and humor to the workplace. You may want to rule out inappropriate or childish names. You may also opt to put their nickname under the employee’s given name. Using nicknames can offer a glimpse at coworkers’ personalities and help foster a sense of camaraderie.

Creative Name Badges by Name Tag Pros

Are you looking for creative name badge ideas? Let Name Tag Pros help you create unique, personalized name tags for your workplace. We’d be happy to discuss your options and help you design great employee name badges that can accentuate the positives, generate conversations, and bring your workplace together as a cohesive unit.

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